We specialize in pressure washing which thoroughly washes and deep cleans your outdoor surfaces. Restore your beautiful home’s exterior surfaces with Johnson County’s premier outdoor surface restoration team. From vinyl siding to paved walkways, brick patios to wood fences ,decks and shade structures. Deck Revive looks forward to cleaning and protecting and restoring your outdoor living spaces
SurfacePressure Wash
Pressure Wash
Restores Beauty
• Removes dirt, dust & debris
• Stops mold & mildew
• Prep for staining & sealing
• Prolongs life & beauty
• Boosts home value
• Enhances curb appeal
Mild Detergents
More Effective Cleaning
• Keeps surfaces cleaner longer
• Stops mold & mildew
• Breaks down dirt and grime
• Prevents debris accumulation
• Benificial in maintenance
Outdoor Surfaces
Clean Surfaces Add Satisfaction
• Vinyl and Wood Sidings
• Pavers and Other Hardscapes
• Gutter, Downspouts
• Decks, Patios & Fences
• Driveway and Sidewalks
Deck Revive specializes in restoring exterior spaces so you can enjoy special moments with friends and family.
Environmental residue can take a toll on exterior surfaces. A moldy, mildew, and a mossy build-up can make surfaces looks bad and at times can be unhealthy.
Protect your home’s exterior surfaces with and thorough cleaning. Contact Deck Revive, Johnson County’s premier outdoor surface restoration team. Make an appointment today and restore your outdoor spaces so they look brand new!
17 years of experience helping people for best solutions
Let's Discuss a Project
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Decks | Fences | Gondolas
Wood ages with time but dirt, mold and mildew can damage and tarnish wood.
Deck Revive uses a deep-cleaning solution to clean weathered outdoor wood structures. Our eco-friendly pressure washing process penetrates porous wood surfaces to eliminate mold, mildew and moss. Bring back the beautiful graining of natural wood structures.
17 years of experience helping people for best solutions
Siding & Vinyl
Vinyl | Wood | Shingle Siding
Shingle and vinyl siding can collect dirt, pollen, mold and mildew that can be damaging to outdoor surface.
Deck Revive’s eco-friendly pressure washing process can brighten a home’s surface without removing or damaging paint. Make your home look new again with a fresh spring cleaning.
17 years of experience helping people for best solutions
Driveways | Sidewalks | Patios
A clean driveway is the gateway to your home.
Get curb appeal with a clean and bright driveway. Eliminate driveway mold, mildew and dirt with our eco-friendly deep cleaning pressure wash solution.
17 years of experience helping people for best solutions
Pavers & Hardscape
Bricks | Flat Stones | Concrete | Rock
Dirt, mold and mildew tarnishes hardscapes that shape your outdoor living space.
Hard work goes into laying pavers. Reveal their beautiful colors again by removing dirt and grime with a simple Deck Revive eco-friendly pressure cleaning.
17 years of experience helping people for best solutions
Fresh & Clean
Minor Repairs
Repaired & Sturdy
Paints & Stains
Stained or Painted
Surface Protection
Sealed & Protected
Our team of experts do their best
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.
When, while the lovely valley teem with vapour around me, and the meridian.
When, while the lovely valley teem with vapour around me, and the meridian.
When, while the lovely valley teem with vapour around me, and the meridian.
When, while the lovely valley teem with vapour around me, and the meridian.